Friday Fictioneers: The Other Side of the Beach



friday fictioneers may 9


I have really missed Friday Fictioneers these past few months. I find that when I participate I feel motivated to be more active with my blogging. I hope you enjoy. Please share your thoughts.

The Other Side of The Beach

word count: 100

“The hotels on the west side are full,” Todd told Nancy.

Nancy swatted at a swarm of mosquitoes.

“This resort is abominable.” She wrinkled her nose and stared at the substandard surroundings. Why was she surprised? Todd has always been cheap. The mosquitoes buzzed incessantly. She assumed this would be the trip. 

Todd led her through beach detritus. Nancy’s stilettos sunk in the sand. He crouched down, assumed the position. The mosquitoes hovered.


Pledges of passion fell on oblivious ears.

Tears of disillusionment leaked. 

“…pawn shop ring…” he boasted.

Nancy welcomed the biting and suffocation of the mosquitoes.